Writing for children and their parents

Believing God for the Hopeless
I am honored to have this special guest blog post by Pastor Jen Kinnamon, who has fostered and adopted. Sign up for her newsletter to keep up with her journey as a US missionary. There’s a question I struggle with when a child is deemed ‘unadoptable’ by the authorities that provide care for that child.… Continue reading Believing God for the Hopeless
National Adoption Month: Solving the Orphan Crisis One Child At a Time
by Katie Cruice Smith November is National Adoption Month, a time to draw attention to the almost 160 million orphans around the world and the over half a million children currently in the foster care system in the United States. But unfortunately, so many turn a deaf ear to the needs of the fatherless. When… Continue reading National Adoption Month: Solving the Orphan Crisis One Child At a Time
Guest Post by Kayla Green
In this guest post, I am happy to introduce you to a fellow author, Kayla Green, who writes poetry, and fiction for young adults. Her YA book, Aivan, explores the search for truth through two young people in another world. Isn't that what we want the youth in our homes to do--search for and find… Continue reading Guest Post by Kayla Green
World Ampersand Day, September 8
“Ampersand” is the name of the symbol we use on the keyboard that means “and.” I’ve seen plenty of silly “national days” and “world days,” and this one competes for the silliest. But apparently, according to nationaltoday.com, ampersands have been in use since the first century AD. There was even one found in the graffiti… Continue reading World Ampersand Day, September 8
Sound of Freedom
The Sound of Freedom* According to Tim Ballard, the US is the #1 consumer of child exploitation material (interview with Daily Signal**). Every one of us must do what we can to prevent and end this bludgeoning evil. Jim Caviezel portrays Tim Ballard of Operation Underground Railroad in the movie The Sound of Freedom, in… Continue reading Sound of Freedom
Challenging Human Trafficking
6 With what shall I come before the Lord and bow down before the exalted God?Shall I come before him with burnt offerings, with calves a year old?7 Will the Lord be pleased with thousands of rams, with ten thousand rivers of olive oil?Shall I offer my firstborn for my transgression, the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul?8 He has… Continue reading Challenging Human Trafficking
Walking our Fostering Journey with Support Friends
I have discovered that support in our fostering journey is essential. I have also discovered that when the church of Jesus Christ gets involved, support is ours. Sixty percent of foster families stop after only one year. This high rate lowers drastically when the family has support surrounding them. And this is encouraging, because not… Continue reading Walking our Fostering Journey with Support Friends
“Fitted Sheets”
Once upon a time, in the land of domestic engineers, we had fitted sheets with corners that had elastic. In just the corners. It was hard enough folding those nasty things so you ended with a nice neat rectangle sitting on your linen closet shelf. And admittedly, I never did master that skill. Fast forward… Continue reading “Fitted Sheets”
New Steps
There is a time for everything,    and a season for every activity under the heavens…  Ecclesiastes 3:1 Seasons of life leave and seasons of life come.   My son just got engaged and we are over-the-top thrilled. With this comes a new stage of life. I don’t know about you, but I have a personality that embraces… Continue reading New Steps
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