In this guest post, I am happy to introduce you to a fellow author, Kayla Green, who writes poetry, and fiction for young adults. Her YA book, Aivan, explores the search for truth through two young people in another world. Isn't that what we want the youth in our homes to do--search for and find the Truth, Jesus Christ. You can find more on Kayla at The Unicorn Writer .

If you have a Type A personality similar to mine, then it is probable that you like having plans. You like plans and even back-up plans for “what-if” moments drafted for your life at all times. You don’t mind questions along the vein of “Where do you see yourself in five years?” Because you have a vision outlined with every step needed to get there.
But no matter your personality type, Myers-Brigg acronym, or favorite type of cookie, when any plan you have for your life seemingly crumbles before you it’s hard not to crumble, too.
Maybe the career you went to school for and dreamed of for years, turns out to be a disappointment. Maybe you didn’t get into the school or academic program you had your heart set on, or maybe a relationship you thought would last forever, ended. Perhaps your vision for parenthood has yet to come to fruition. Whatever the specifics, there is one commonality—you put your dish in the oven, after following every step precisely, but it didn’t rise at all.
I’ve had a lot of inedible cookies pulled from the oven in my kitchen—have I gone too far with this metaphor? I’ve had numerous plans fall apart, is what I mean. But guess what? If you mix in some yummy icing, you can reform the crumbs into delicious cookie-cake pops! Dessert-focused analogy that’s probably overstayed its welcome aside, you don’t have to fall apart when your plans do.
Truly, it’s easy to say God’s will is greater when not in the throes of heartbreaking disappointment; however, as someone who has experienced disappointment in many arenas—career, education, health, fertility—I am the first to admit that I don’t know what I’m doing. It’s hard being human! Even when taking steps to be in control with grand plans, I am fully aware that my plans have limited foresight. I might grieve and hurt when plans crumble, but I also know in my heart that there are things I will never understand. And I never know that crumbling plans are essential to help me become the person needed for a task God is calling me to.
I believe every undoing of our plans matters. It’s necessary unbecoming allowing us to become—it’s getting us ready to step up for the time in which God has placed us. And this makes me think of Esther 4:14 (NKJV), “For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?”
No matter what souffle falls, cookie crumbles, or plan fails, I pray you find comfort in the fact YOU are not able to thwart the purpose or calling God has for your life. His plans are greater than our dreams, and often we need to embrace the crumble in order to one day taste what He is working on behind the scenes.
Trusting in God even in difficult times, resonates with me greatly. If it resonates with you, you may also relate to my character, Rune Kallio, in Aivan: The One Truth. In this fantasy novella, Rune has her life planned out—where she will live, what job she will have, and who she will marry. But every plan she has crumbles. Below, you can read a short excerpt where Rune is dealing with the aftermath of her crumbling plans:
“What? Do you even know my soul?” [asked Rune.]
But the voice did not speak anymore.
“Hello? Aivan?” Rune could still feel her heart beating in her chest from her anger and frustration.
Rune, I know your soul. I know that you are hurting. But I need you to trust in me that there is more waiting for you than you have ever envisioned for yourself.
Rune laughed coldly and wiped snot from her nose with her dress sleeve. “That's comforting,” she said sarcastically. Rune began to take deep breaths. “Aivan, how do I know I can believe in you? How do I know you are all that you say you are?”
I will be here for you always. Even when you doubt. Even when you hurt. Even when you do not know what the next step is. I will always be waiting for you. Be still and listen for I shall guide your heart.
Don’t stop planning. But don’t give-up when your cookies crumble. Remember to breathe deeply, trust in God’s greater plan, and grab some icing—you’ve been called for a time such as this and He’s working everything for good.
Kayla E. Green is a school librarian, speculative fiction author, and poet who adores her husband and their furbabies. When she isn’t writing, reading, or taking photos for her bookstagram, she loves singing loudly and off-key to KLove Radio, napping, and pretending she’s a unicorn. Her award-winning YA fantasy novella, Aivan: The One Truth, and her inspirational poetry collection, Metamorphosis, are now available through book retailers. Kayla also has stories and poems featured in various anthologies, contest-winning stories published with Clean Fiction Magazine, and several flash fiction stories available online through Havok Publishing. Connect with her on her website at and on Instagram @theunicornwriter93.